
What Are The Vulnerable Parts Of The Luggage Wrapping Machine

Friends often report that after the luggage wrapping machine parts are broken, when contacting the manufacturer for repair, most of them need to replace the luggage wrapping machine parts or wait for the manufacturer's after-sales maintenance. Whether it is replacing the luggage packaging machine parts or waiting for the manufacturer to repair, it will affect the production schedule. Therefore, today I will talk to you about the easily damaged parts of the luggage wrapping machine on this issue, so as to avoid the normal use of the machine due to damage to the accessories.

The main components of the chassis of the luggage wrapping machine are the tray, the sprocket and the supporting wheel in sequence. The sprocket and the supporting wheel carry the tray and drive the tray to rotate. Therefore, failure of any one of these three components will cause the other two components to wear out for a long time. damage. The thickness of the pallet is preferably 10mm steel plate, and many manufacturers choose 6 or 8 thick ones for shoddy ones, which will be deformed if worn. The quality of the sprocket of the luggage packaging machine depends on the diameter of the sprocket. At present, there are 60-tooth small gears with a diameter of 298mm and 80-tooth large gears with a diameter of 412mm. The larger the sprocket, the greater the support for the tray, the greater the pressure on the supporting wheel, the lower the pressure on the supporting wheel, and the lighter the wear; on the contrary, the smaller the sprocket, the more the supporting wheel wears.

In addition, the motor of the luggage wrapping machine drives the large sprocket vigorously, while driving the small sprocket is laborious. The small sprocket will increase the burden of the drive motor and cause damage to the motor. You must choose the chassis of the large sprocket. Supporting wheels are like car tires. They need to be replaced if they are worn to a certain degree. Not only the quality of the pallet and the sprocket will affect the consumption speed of the supporting wheels, but the quality of the supporting wheels is also very important. However, the quality of the supporting wheel is not as intuitive as the pallet and the sprocket. There are dimensions that can be directly referred to. It is difficult for users to judge. However, based on experience, it is determined that the thickness of the pallet is less than 10mm and the small sprocket is used. The quality of the supporting wheel must be very poor. Either the motor is damaged or the supporting rollers are frequently replaced during use.

