
Application Of Ultrasonic Flaw Detector

   Ultrasonic flaw detector is a portable industrial non-destructive testing instrument that can quickly, conveniently, without damage, and accurately detect, locate, evaluate and diagnose various defects (cracks, inclusions, folds, pores, blisters, etc.) inside the workpiece.
   It can be used both in the laboratory and on the engineering site. This instrument can be widely used in manufacturing, iron and steel metallurgy, metal processing, chemical industry and other fields that require defect detection and quality control. It is also widely used in in-service safety inspections in aerospace, railway transportation, boilers and pressure vessels, etc. And life assessment. It is a must in the non-destructive testing industry.
   The advantages of ultrasonic flaw detection are large thickness, high sensitivity, high speed, low cost, harmless to human body, and can locate and quantify defects.However, ultrasonic flaw detection is not intuitive to display defects, the flaw detection technology is difficult, it is easily affected by subjective and objective factors, and the flaw detection results are inconvenient to save, etc., so ultrasonic flaw detection also has its limitations.

