
How To Improve The Efficiency Of Medium Concrete Mixer?

Because the pressure of a Medium concrete mixer rises slowly, the filter is usually clogged and should be cleaned regularly. The second is the problem with the cylinder, because there is leakage outside the cylinder. Water-stable mixing stations are often painful for piston rod equipment, lack of lubricant supply, wear or damage to seals and seals, impurities in the cylinder and scratches on the piston rod.

We need to adjust the middle position of the piston rod in time, regularly check the reliability of the oil mist device, and clean it up in time. Due to the advancement of the first conductive magnetic valve, the valve failed, and the type of vent hole was simply blocked, resulting in a seal. The active valve will get stuck in a circuit failure. In the use of Medium concrete mixer, we can adopt the closed design of the whole station. The pressure of the mixing station increases the isolation plate and the isolation chamber of the concrete mixing station.

In addition, the noise source of the Medium concrete mixer is mainly for mixing the main machine. The main problem of the noise of the mechanical equipment is the mutual accuracy of the machine itself, improving its own production level and technical level, and improving the manufacturing accuracy of the main body, tank and other locations. A feasible and perfect processing scheme is proposed to minimize the gap between equipment parts, especially the distance between the blade and the lining in the main mix. As far as possible, the drum prevents the sharp sound from being caught by the stones.

