
The Advantages Of Steel Mine Supports

Compared with other rigid supports, steel mine supports have shrinkage, stable and reliable bearing capacity, adapt to the load and deformation of soft surrounding rock, high cross-section utilization rate, convenient use of steel mine supports, small maintenance, high support reuse rate, and reduce pit wood When used, the environmental protection benefits of steel mine supports are very obvious.

Steel mine supports of mountain tunnels. Steel mine supports has the characteristics of high pressure, long support time, easy installation and no deformation. Taking quality as the life, in addition to earning profits from the industry, the more important thing is that the mine support guarantees the safety of hundreds of coal mines and escorts the life safety of tens of millions of coal miners.

The advantages of steel mine supports are guaranteed by raw materials and directly supplied by large steel mills; the installation is simple and requires no processing; steel mine supports has high shear and tensile strength; the mine supports are evenly stressed; the installation speed is fast, saving materials, saving labor, There are broad prospects for promotion and application.

