
Flat Trailer Brake Fluid Requirements

Flat trailer brake fluid need to be changed in two years, the use of brake oil requirements, talking about the maintenance of the brake system, brake oil is often ignored by many people. In fact, brake fluid is an important transmission medium in the brake system of the vehicle. After the brake oil is used for a long time, the skin and piston in the brake pump will wear out, so it must be replaced after a period of use.

If the brake oil quality is not good, it can damage the brake system and reduce the braking performance, which will cause the brake to lag or even the brakes to malfunction, thus causing traffic accidents. According to the relevant staff of the Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau, the hazards of inferior brake oil are generally not easy to find in the short term, and the concealment is very strong and harmful. It is often difficult for an inexperienced car owner to distinguish the authenticity of the brake oil by the naked eye, but it can be distinguished by color and odor.

Different types and brands of flat trailer brake oil should not be mixed. For brake systems with special requirements, special grades of brake fluid should be added. Due to the different formulations of different brands and different types of brake fluids, mixed brake oil will cause the brake oil index to drop. Even those brands that are more soluble and indicate that they can be mixed or replaced should not be mixed for a long time.

Inferior brake fluids tend to have an alcoholic smell, liquids like water, and magazines and suspended solids may appear. The qualified flat trailer brake oils are similar in shape to honey, and are yellowish or dark yellow. The friction will become hotter and hotter after dripping on the palm. It is recommended that the owner should not be cheap when selecting the brake fluid. It is best to buy the brake fluid above the DOT4. In addition, for brake oil that is too thin or completely colorless and transparent, it is recommended that the owner should not take risks.

