
Pneumatic Pavement Breaker Troubleshooting for Failures Caused By Poor Lubrication

Many factors will cause pneumatic pavement breaker failures because of poor lubrication, here are some common reasons and troubleshootings

1. Oil hole of oil injector was blocked, should be cleaned after the pressure blow through.

2. Due to inadequate thrust legs, stretching caused by failure. To replace or reassemble the worn or loose air leg bowl, the frame body and the outer pipe thread connection is not tight, upper and lower chamber should be tightening gas channeling.

3. Damaged or missing seals should be replaced promptly.

4. Board wear, compression valve is not working, leg is not easy to shrink, should be replaced board machine.

5. For the water pressure is higher than the pressure, resulting in pressure water back to the pneumatic pavement breaker machine, the phenomenon of damage to normal lubrication, to take measures to step down, the main parts do not meet the standard to be replaced.

