
Automatic Ramen Noodle Maker Machine

The automatic ramen machine is a mechanical device for making noodles, and the steps of making noodles are divided into: dough, face, face, face, face and face.The process of making handmade kneading is very complicated and painstaking. It is very time-consuming and physically demanding for face, face, face, face, face and ramen. The automatic ramen is invented for this need. Like other automation equipment, it replaces labor with machines.

The automatic ramen machine refers to the case of hand-made noodles, and the amount of water used in the dough is relatively large, about 45% of the flour. When the flour is mixed with water, mash, andthe starch and protein in the flour will absorb the water to the utmost extent. When the starch absorbs water, it will become sticky, and when the protein absorbs water, it will become gluten. The combination of the two is the dough for the dough. The longer the dough is hand-baked, the better it is to form a gluten network and increase the stickiness, which provides the most basic conditions for the good taste of the hand-picked noodles.

When the dough is well formed, the automatic ramen machine is also used to simulate the continually changing the angle of the palm of the hand, so that the force of the dough is evenly distributed, and there is no uneven force. Produce a "dead angle." When you lick the dough, you usually put the dough stick on the dough and push it forward. When you turn it to the ellipse, you don’t have to lick the front and back, but also lick the left and right sides to make the whole skin thick and consistent. Rolled on both sides into a roll, or folded into a trapezoid, cut into noodles with a knife.

