
Internal Combustion Drill Technology

The internal combustion drill is powered by fuel combustion, and it is a hand-held tool composed of small gasoline engine, compressor and drill. Mainly used for drilling downward, horizontal and upward gun hole less than 45°, replace a few parts, can be changed to crusher or tamper, used for all kinds of chipping, crushing, digging, splitting and ramming work.

Internal combustion drill technology

1. When the engine is pneumatic, gently pull the starting rope after the ratchet mechanism is engaged. Pull the start rope in the right direction and don't push too hard to prevent the start rope from pulling out.

2. When the drill is started with drill pipe, the handle clutch is not allowed to turn to the rotary position.

3. Always pay attention to whether the center hole of fiber rod is blocked to prevent the machine from shutting down.

4.In order to protect the rotating mechanism, the machine should not be overcharged.

5. Since the internal combustion drill USES gasoline as fuel, the exhaust gas will pollute the air. Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is only allowed to work in the open air.

