
What Harm Does The Forklift Truck Overloaded?

When carrying goods on forks, it is necessary to strictly abide by the safety regulations of the operation to prevent overloading and driving. It is strictly forbidden to overweight and super high, so as not to endanger the safety of people, goods and forklifts.
Overloading is strictly prohibited

◆ Do not carry unfixed and loosely stacked goods, and carefully transport large-size goods; forklifts with attachments should be operated by forklift when running.
◆ The loaded cargo must not exceed the height of the safety frame. If it exceeds the limit, the cargo must be fixed.
The consequences of overloading
● The safety of the cargo is endangered. When the truck is overloaded, the forklift is unstable and difficult to control.
● Endangering personal safety, no matter whether there is a machine damage or a cargo damage accident, personal injury or death may occur at the same time.
●Hazardous forklift structure
1. The tire load is too large, the deformation is increased, and it is easy to blast and rim deformation from the thin side of the sidewall.
2. It will cause the frame to deform, the rivets loose or even break, thus changing the relative position of the assembly, and the normal structure of the forklift is destroyed.
3. Seriously affect the performance of the forklift, especially the steering and braking performance. Because the forklift is the rear wheel steering, the steering is light and the wheel is oscillating when it is overloaded, it is difficult to control, and the braking performance is significantly reduced, which is not conducive to safety.
4. Excessive overload, it is easy to cause damage to the forklift parts, which will cause the forklift to subvert and the goods to fall, resulting in a series of accidents such as personal injury, forklift damage and cargo damage.

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