
Mortar Spraying Machine Features And Operation

The construction industry is an important industrial sector of the country, and the country’s annual fixed asset investment is huge. But whenever there is a construction climax, the quality of the project is prone to problems. Some companies are tempted by profits and are easy to ignore quality. Some construction companies deliberately cut corners, shoddy, falsified, shoddy. Although the collapse of the project in the country in recent years is an individual phenomenon, the nature is serious and the consequences are unimaginable. This requires the competent government departments to strengthen market management, strengthen the government's supervisory functions, and improve the corresponding restraint mechanism. At the same time, enterprises must raise awareness and strengthen management. As a consumer, the purchasing staff of construction companies must polish their eyes and find high-quality and low-cost equipment for enterprises. Take one of the equipments in the construction industry - mortar spraying machine, the equipment of China Coal Group has the following characteristics for Your reference:

1. Fast speed, high efficiency and low labor intensity. A CG-350 sprayer 150m2, except for the preparation time, can be sprayed more than 1000m2 according to the calculation of 8 hours per day, which is equivalent to 20 skilled workers working hard for one day.
2, the operation is simple, no need to take scaffolding, no mobile equipment, yin and yang angle, roof, can be freely sprayed, shorten the construction period, improve the progress, and save the cost of the frame material costs.
3, not only can be applied to interior wall construction, but also applicable to exterior wall construction.
4. Small investment and large income. If 1000m2 is sprayed per device per day, according to the average market price of 10RMB/m2, the worker's salary is about 800RMB, the other expenses are 400RMB, and each device can make a profit of 8800RMB per day.
5. The quality of the project is guaranteed. The spraying machine introduced by our company has large flow and high pressure (up to 3mpa), and the adhesion and compactness of the material sprayed on the wall far exceeds the national standard.
6, a multi-purpose machine, can spray mortar, fire retardant coatings, refractory coatings, putty coatings, ordinary coatings, regardless of regional and environmental conditions and the shape of the spray surface.

The mortar spraying machine of China Coal Group is easy to operate, does not need to use scaffolding, does not need mobile equipment, does not need to repair the raft, the yin and yang angle, the top plate can be freely sprayed, shortening the construction period, improving the progress, and saving the cost of the frame material. .
Mortar spraying machine operation guide;

1. Before each shift, first press the hand oil pump several times to fill the transmission part.
2. After turning on the power, first electric main motor, check whether the rubber spiral rotation direction is consistent. If it is inconsistent, replace the power phase line (this check should be performed every time the power is reconnected)
3. Connect the conveying hose and nozzle, add 5L of clean water to the hopper, start the motor to clear the water pump to the wet hopper, the pump body and the conveying hose, and stop the pump after most of the water is pumped out.
4. Put the putty or paint into the hopper to start spraying (should start the air compressor and open the damper)
5. It is strictly forbidden to idling in the state of no material and no water in the hopper.
6. After the work is finished, drain the remaining material in the hopper, and fill enough water in the hopper, clean the hopper, and pump it out, clean the hose and the nozzle until the pump is full of water, so as to avoid the residual material in the hose. Solidify, block the hose and nozzle.
7. If the downtime is too long, wipe the machine clean and remove the booster screw. After oiling, keep it and reinstall it when using it.
8. In the work, there is insufficient pumping pressure, and the booster stator bolt or the pressurized rubber sleeve and the booster worm can be adjusted.
9. Before spraying, the sprayed area should be infiltrated with water; when spraying, the nozzle should be vertically and sprayed as far as possible (the distance can be adjusted according to the spraying effect), and it can be sprayed evenly and coordinated with the leveling process. If the wall is too dry or sprayed for too long, it will seriously affect the leveling effect.
10. The material in the hopper should be evenly distributed and should not be interrupted. When the conveying screw rotates, it is strictly forbidden to stir with the stick in the hopper to prevent injury.
11. Once the spray pipe is blocked, switch the switch to the manual position, only open the compressor, remove the quick joint before the pump head, and then block the nozzle downward, the wind pressure will generate reverse pressure, and the pipe will be remnant. Blow out, put the quick connector on, and start normal work.
12, when the spray hand operation, should wear helmets, protective glasses, protective clothing and other protective equipment.
13. The pressurized rubber sleeve and the booster screw are wearing parts. In order to prolong the service life, the booster stator bolt is in a loose state when it is used for the first time. When the pressure is reduced and the flow rate is significantly reduced, the compression bolt is adjusted to make it In normal working condition.

Choose China Coal, we will provide you with the most professional service, and the best quality equipment! ! !

