
How To Improve The Utilization Rate Of Scraper Winches

Any machine will have energy loss when working, and the scraper winch is no exception. Although we cannot completely eliminate the loss, we can effectively reduce its loss.

The power loss of the hydraulic system of the scraper winch will cause energy loss on the one hand and reduce the overall efficiency of the system. On the other hand, the lost part of the energy will be converted into heat energy, which will increase the temperature of the hydraulic oil and the oil. Deterioration, resulting in failure of hydraulic equipment.

First, from the perspective of the power source-the pump, considering the diversification of the working conditions of the actuator, sometimes the system requires large flow and low pressure; sometimes it requires small flow and high pressure. Therefore, it is appropriate to choose a pressure-limited variable pump, because the flow rate of this type of pump changes with the change of system pressure. When the system pressure is reduced, the flow rate is relatively large, Scraper Winch can meet the fast stroke of the actuator. When the system pressure increases, the flow rate decreases accordingly, which can meet the working stroke of the actuator. This can not only meet the working requirements of the actuator, but also make the power consumption more reasonable.

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How To Improve The Utilization Rate Of Scraper Winches

