
How To Eliminate The Railway Buffer Stoppers Problem

Railway railcars also use railway buffer stoppers. In the process of use, there are often some emergencies, so what should be done? Organize some of the most common faults and workarounds:

1, railway buffer stoppers can not take off the pole

Remedy: Measure whether the voltage used is within the range of 220V±10V

2, the railway buffer stoppers is not in place, the jitter is too big

Reason for detection: Check if the running switch magnet is adjusted and the balance spring tension is too loose or too tight.

Remedy: adjust the stroke control position and tighten the tension spring link bolt

3. railway buffer stoppers abnormal noise in the chassis

Reason for detection: Is the bearing and active link part of the inspection site abnormal?

Remedy: add lubricant or replace the bearing in the railway car

I hope that the above answers will bring help to our customers. If you would like to know more about the railway railcars related information, so stay tuned for the official website of China Transport Group.

