
Agricultural Drone Common Faults And Treatments


China is a big agricultural country. Especially in recent years, large-scale agricultural drone in various regions has brought great benefits to our farmers and friends. It has also brought great benefits to our agricultural drone manufacturers. Many plant protection jobs have been used in agricultural drones.

Of course, for some areas, in terms of agricultural drones, it is still a new type of machine. Many people still don’t know much about the use of agricultural drones, especially some of the problems that occur during the use of plant protection drones. I don't even know what to do. Therefore, China Transport Group is here to share with you some of the faults and treatments that will be encountered in the daily use of agricultural drones.

First, the agricultural drones have been unable to locate GPS for a long time:

First, calm down and wait, because GPS cold start takes time. If the situation still does not improve after waiting a few minutes, it may be because the GPS antenna is blocked. The GPS is disturbed by nearby electromagnetic fields. You need to remove the shield, keep away from the interference source, and place it in an open area to see if it is better. In addition, the reason for this may be that the GPS is not powered for a long time, the distance between the local and the last GPS positioning is too long, or the microwave power switch is turned on before the aircraft is positioned. You try to turn off the microwave power switch, turn off the system power, and restart the system power for more than 5 seconds to wait for positioning. If you are not positioning at this time, it may be a problem with the performance of the GPS itself, you need to take it to the professional agricultural drone maintenance personnel.

Second, the aircraft is too far from the route when flying automatically:

Check that the aircraft is leveled and adjust the aircraft to direct flight and maintain a high altitude without intervention. Secondly, check the wind direction and wind power, because the wind will also cause such failures, you should choose to take off the drone when the wind is small. Furthermore, check that the balancer is in the proper position, switch the aircraft to manual flight, and put the balancer in the proper position.

3. After the agricultural drone control power is turned on, the ground station cannot receive data from the drone:

Check if the connection connector is loose or not connected, whether to click the link button of the ground station, whether the serial port is set correctly, whether the serial port baud rate is set correctly, whether the ground station and the aircraft's digital transmission channel are set consistently, and whether the GPS data on the aircraft is correct. The flight control is sent, and as long as there is a problem in one link, communication cannot be performed, and the connection is re-connected after the check is correct. If you can't connect after checking, restart the ground station computer and the aircraft system power, you can usually connect to the communication.

Fourth, the old steering gear of the steering gear is adjusted to adjust the sound:

Some servos have no hysteresis adjustment function, and the control dead zone range is adjusted small. As long as the input signal and the feedback signal are always fluctuating, and their difference exceeds the control dead zone, the steering gear sends a signal to drive the motor. In addition, there is no hysteresis adjustment function. If the mechanical precision of the steering gear set is poor, the tooth virtual position is large, and the rotation step of the feedback potentiometer is driven, the step range has exceeded the control dead zone range, and the steering gear will be adjusted continuously.

Agricultural drones are precision instruments, and small changes in any component can affect their flight status and service life. Therefore, I am very cautious when dealing with plant protection drone failures. I also advise you to use the scientific and rigorous attitude to deal with drone failures. Do not arbitrarily change the plant protection drones to avoid counterproductive.

