
12# I Steel Beam

Introduction Of 12# I Steel Beam

The difference between I Steel Beam and H Steel Beam Different specifications

H Steel Beam: Specifications from 10# -63#
 I Steel Beam: Specification 9# -12# .

Different materials

H Steel Beam: mostly Q235 material
 I Steel Beam: 20MNk Q275 material

Different use

H Steel Beam is commonly used in steel structures, supports, bridges, and simple support.

I Steel Beam Used in coal mine support steel structures for strong support.

Parameter Of 12# I Steel Beam

12#  I Steel Beam material: 20mnk Q235

12#  I Steel Beam model: 12#

Height (h): 120mm

Leg width (b): 95mm

Waist thickness (d): 11mm

Weight: 31.18kg

Photos Of 12# I Steel Beam

12# I Steel Beam12# I Steel Beam

